Customer: Ampere EV
The Atom Drive System is a complete DIY Electric vehicle drivetrain conversion kit for classic cars, allowing customers to convert their existing vehicles to electric power with one all-encompassing system. I worked with Ampere EV to create a display for the SEMA expo that communicates the innovation, completeness, and relative simplicity of the kit.
Concept Development
Existing powertrain displays from SEMA and other automotive industry shows were a great source of inspiration.
The final concept displays the system within the confines of four wheels to give the components context, while demonstrating potential automotive layout options. The surface that the components mount to would be made from acrylic to allow for potential backlighting, giving the display a futuristic glow and emphasizing the various components. The main constraint on the size of the display was that it would need to be broken up into separate parts for transportation and shipping. Taking this into account, the concept splits the display into 3 modules.
Concept Refinement
CAD models of the concept were created including the separate components of the kit and then refined by optimizing the component layout, graphics, and the overall size of the display to make it ideal for shipping.
Final Concept
The final design includes all the major components of the Atom Drive System in a layout that gives the components room to breath, uses graphics to easily show how the components connect together in the system, and includes an information section that introduces viewers to the Atom Drive System.
The display was designed so it could be built from relatively inexpensive and easily sourced materials. The basic frame is made from simple 2x4 wood pieces, on top of which are stacked layers of wood, followed by laser cut hardboard board and acrylic. The outside edges and surfaces are covered with sheets of hardboard cut to fit and then the whole assembly is filled, sanded, and painted.
Transportation & Shipping
The three modules can be unlatched by removing the rear panels and reaching inside, making it relatively easy to split the display up for transporting to shows and events.
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